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- Geschreven door Marthijn van Rheenen
- Categorie: Blog
- Hits: 7685
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- Geschreven door Marthijn van Rheenen
- Categorie: Blog
- Hits: 7526
In this post i will explain how to onboard your SCOM data to Azure Log Analytics and do a health check on your SCOM management group.
We first need to have a Log Analytics workspace available. You can use an existing one or simple create a new workspace.
A nice start is to read the Best practices for designing an Azure Sentinel or Azure Security Center Log Analytics workspace post by Tiander Turpijn.
In this example i will create a new workspace using the Azure portal because i do not have one active yet.
Login to the Azure portal and go to Log Analytics workspaces.
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- Geschreven door Marthijn van Rheenen
- Categorie: Blog
- Hits: 8126
Microsoft published a list for network devices with extended monitoring capabilities. It has been a while sinds this was updated so it is more then welcome.
The list can be downloaded here:
Thank you Kevin Greene for pointing this out!
This week i spend some time looking for an issue where we wanted to install SCOM 2019 agents using the push method from the SCOM console. The agent where in untursted domains so gateway servers are used.
These install where failing with error code 80040155.To be more precise:
Operation: Agent Install
Error Code: 80040155
Error Description: Interface not registered
The SCOM gateway logs two events on this issue:
Event 10603
The Operations Manager Server was unable to establish a DCOM connection with the MOMAgentInstaller service on computer [GATEWAYNAME FQDN] with specified account "[ACTION ACCOUNT]". This will cause failure to configure System Center - Operations Manager agent.
Operation: Agent Install
Error Code: 80040155
Error Description: Interface not registered
Event 10612
The Operations Manager Server failed to perform specified operation on computer [GATEWAYNAME FQDN].
Operation: Agent Install
Install account: [ACTION ACCOUNT]
Error Code: 80040155
Error Description: Interface not registered
The fix was quite simple. register the MOMAgentInstallerPS.dll on the gateway. (regsvr32 MOMAgentInstallerPS.dll)